Ghost error update from v4 to v5 - foreign key constraint

alter table `subscriptions` modify `tier_id` varchar(24) not null - Cannot change column 'tier_id': used in a foreign key constraint 'subscriptions_tier_id_foreign'
Solution on MySql
Restart your Ghost v5 instance.
Finally remember to put back foreign_key_checks to 0.
If you are using AWS RDS you will receive the following error because AWS prevent it, in this case follow the below way using parameter groups.
SQL Error [1227] [42000]: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER or SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation
Solution on AWS RDS - MySql
Set up a custom parameter group and attach it to your RDS instance.
Than temporary edit in your parameter group the "foreign_key_checks" param from 1 to 0.

Restart your Ghost v5 instance.
Finally remember to put back foreign_key_checks to 0.
Full log
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:19] INFO Ghost is running in production...
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:19] INFO Your site is now available on
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:19] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:19] INFO Ghost server started in 0.845s
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:19] WARN Database state requires migration.
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:19] INFO Creating database backup
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:19] INFO Database backup written to /var/lib/ghost/content/data/yuba.ghost.2023-04-29-10-04-19.json
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:19] INFO Running migrations.
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:19] INFO Adding products.monthly_price column
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:19] INFO Adding products.yearly_price column
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:19] INFO Adding products.currency column
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Updating 1 Tiers with price and currency information
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Adding table: subscriptions
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Adding table: members_feedback
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Adding newsletters.feedback_enabled column
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Dropping nullable: subscriptions.tier_id
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Rolling back: alter table `subscriptions` modify `tier_id` varchar(24) not null - Cannot change column 'tier_id': used in a foreign key constraint 'subscriptions_tier_id_foreign'.
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Removing newsletters.feedback_enabled column
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Dropping table: members_feedback
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Dropping table: subscriptions
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Removing currency and price information for all tiers
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Removing products.currency column
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Removing products.yearly_price column
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Removing products.monthly_price column
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] INFO Rollback was successful.
ghost_1 | [2023-04-29 10:04:20] ERROR alter table `subscriptions` modify `tier_id` varchar(24) not null - Cannot change column 'tier_id': used in a foreign key constraint 'subscriptions_tier_id_foreign'
ghost_1 |
ghost_1 | alter table `subscriptions` modify `tier_id` varchar(24) not null - Cannot change column 'tier_id': used in a foreign key constraint 'subscriptions_tier_id_foreign'
ghost_1 |
ghost_1 | {"config":{"transaction":true},"name":"2022-10-18-05-39-drop-nullable-tier-id.js"}
ghost_1 | "Error occurred while executing the following migration: 2022-10-18-05-39-drop-nullable-tier-id.js"
ghost_1 |
ghost_1 | Error ID:
ghost_1 | 300
ghost_1 |
ghost_1 | Error Code: